Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Wish Forge

a lone star falls from the sky
I catch it from the corner of my eye
and forge a wish from embers in my heart
for happiness and love
to all in my life
the night is quiet but a gentle breeze carries my wish
and the Universe catch it with
warm open arms…

(c)2011 Allen Simpson
for you, and you, and that other one with the broom, yes you! All my friends. Love Allen

Saturday, 8 August 2015


a man that lost everything
his only companion, sorrow
left in snow and ice
yet his bones void of marrow

constructed in a lab
made up from many parts
born from lightning
yet not of the light
does he have a soul
this abnormal creation?

he is but stitches and unfamiliar flesh
he is whole, created from broken
an abomination so gentle
yet no man wanted him alive
when he was born somewhere a god cried
the day when natural laws were crucified

an Adam born of many men
now far away in snow and ice
does he still live?
was he ever alive?

(c) 2014 allen simpson

Based on the Frankenstein's Monster by the book of Mary Shelley 'Frankenstein' and inspired by the music of Blind Guardian

Friday, 7 August 2015

witch hunts

witch hunts in woods
for feathers and stones
only in company of crows
barefooted and painted toes
tonight there will be a circle
ancient names to be called
in a circle so scared
no evil can cross it's threshold

witch hunts in the woods
for signs and wonders
and finds them in
the whisper of winds
and the bark of trees
the only sound, the song of bees
she is in a trance
she is already dancing a sacred dance

witch hunts in the forest
she uses no weapons of war
she uses the pure of her heart
and the wisdom of the spirit
she is feared for her art
but she is of gentle heart
a witch hunting in the forest
a priestess of mysteries...

(c) 2014 allen simpson

Thursday, 6 August 2015

What you eat

The tale was never told of what
happened to them that
burned the ginger house down
with the wicked woman
that foul cannibal
they called a witch

just breadcrumbs that no-one followed
except a girl that thought it odd
that even the crows would not
touch those crumbs

in the dark dark wood
she saw the two
Hansel had glowing green eyes
Gretel fangs like a cursed beast

and in their hands
ribs of that old ginger bread witch...

what if, what you eat
you become....

(c) 2014 allen Simpson

Photo copyright Allen SImpson & Hanneliese Bredell

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


In restless years I held so clear
what life should be, I fear
I was wrong and I was right
tried to change my heart and fight

now I dissolve in retrospect
I am the cause and the affect
I am a soul in transition

the gift of time became my curse
my reasoning adverse
wisdom lost in a fool's playground

I am dissolved
hidden in obsure memories
I cast my soul out to the four corners
seeking absolvement in the dust
I feed your lust...

I am master of my own end...

(c) 2012 allen Simpson

A room

i went into a room, that is not a room
there was a bed, but it is not a bed
(Lied down, tied down)
they stuck sticks to my brain
shocked me until there was no pain

i went into a room, that is not a room again
padded walls so soft around me
had an itch but a jacket embraced me

i went into a room, that is not a room
(i never went home again)

(C) 2013 allen simpson